The Alliance offers a number of coaching qualfiications and CPD modules for its instructors.
The minimum requirement to coach or instruct in any Alliance affliliated club is our Level 1 Coaching Certificate.
We understand that many coaches already hold qualifications delivered by other organisations, and we have a process in place which allows us to take into account an instructor’s previous coaching awards.
Our coaching programmes are delivered using a mix of online e-learning, face to face delivery (online) and face to face delivery (live).
We have a team of Tutors who deliver our coaching qualifications, including safeguarding and weapons specialists.
Our Coaching Team
Brian Stockwell: Coaching Officer ~ Qualifications: Cert Ed (Tutor); D32/D33 (Assessor)
Martyn Tyas: Senior Coach Tutor
Brian Horsler: Senior Coach Tutor
Sue Ward: Coach Education Lead ~ Qualifications: Cert Ed (Tutor); D32/D33/A1(Assessor); Level 4 IQA (Quality Assurance);
What if I already have a coaching qualification?
We have a process whereby we can examine existing qualifications held by a coach and see how they compare to our coaching qualifications. The document below explains this process more fully. We recognise coaching qualifications awarded by the British Aikido Board and the British Aikido Association.