Each Aikido Alliance affiliated Association (offering sessions for those under 18) is required to have an Association Safeguarding Officer (ASO), If you have a query or concern that cannot be resolved at club level – please try and resolve this with your designated ASO. If this is unsuccessful, or you cannot contact your ASO in the required timeframe, then you can contact the Alliance’s Lead Safeguarding Officer: Sue Ward: sueward.cpo@gmail.com or call her on 07527 992059 or 01271 343952
If a child is in immediate danger call 999.
Kai Shin Kai ASO
Graham Cossey: email: info@northcotswoldsaikido.co.uk or call 07554 252021
Takemusu Iwama Aikido Europe ASO
Kevin Haywood: Call 07834 659 441 or email: safeguarding@takemusu-iwama-aikido.org
Raj Soren: Call 07762 120209 or email rajsoren@yahoo.co.uk
Tenchi Ryu Aikido ASO
Contact: Sue Ward sueward.cpo@gmail.com. 07527 992059. — OR — Ray Charran: ray.charran@btinternet.com
The Alliance’s Lead Safeguarding Officer
Contact Sue Ward 07527 992059 / 01271 343952 sueward.cpo@gmail.com