The Alliance’s Lead Safeguarding Officer is Sue Ward
07527 992059 / 01271 343952
Each Aikido Alliance member organisation has its own Association Safeguarding Officer (ASO) and each club should have a Welfare Officer (WO). In the first instance you should contact your WO. If you cannot reach your WO then you can find contact detail for each ASO here: List of Association Safeguarding Officers
The following points illustrate the processes to use when there are concerns about possible abuse of a child or young person.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 (or 112 on a mobile will also work).
It’s important to remember that the welfare of the child is of paramount concern. However, it is not up to you to decide whether or not a child has been abused, but to report concerns appropriately.
Support is available should you need it, through the Alliance’s network of safeguarding and welfare officers. You may also contact your local statutory social care services and the NSPCC,
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child
Is the child in immediate danger or are they injured?
- if yes, contact the emergency services
If there is no immediate danger, report the concern:
- refer to the Alliance’s safeguarding procedures about who to report the concerns to
- if there’s no one else available to help, contact the police
- ou may also contact your local statutory social care services or the NSPCC
Ensure you keep a record of your concern and how you reported it.
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