Including Policy Documents
Health and Safety
Risk Assessment: you must risk assess your venue/training area and the activities you plan to deliver. We have prepared a risk assessment template (based on the one recommended by the HSE) and you can download it here
Health & Safety Policy statement: Each Association/Club should have a statement regarding how you will manage health and safety within your organisation/group. This Policy Statement will be unique to you, but we have prepared a template for you to use, along with some guidance on what you might include.
Using weapons
Government briefing paper on offensive weapons
Alliance Weapons policy: please ensure you follow the guidance in this document to remain compliant with our insurance cover.
Junior class resources and downloads
Downloads and resources from Kidscape – the UK’s leading anti bullying charity. Check their website in November each year for resources to support National Anti Bullying week.
The Child Protection in Sport Unit. A wealth of resources for safeguaring in sport. Remember, you need to adhere to the Alliance Safeguaring Policy documents – but there are lots of additional resources on the CPSU website.
These downloadable resources are from UK Coaching – they are designed to embed basic skills into sports sessions
First Aid
Having an instructor who is First Aid qualification as a coach is not mandatory within Alliance-affiliated clubs. However, your risk assessment may indicate that a first aid qualification is recommended as part of your risk mitigation (for example, if you coach in a more remote facility or without support on hand from facility staff).
The Resuscitation Council has lots of free resources which you can access here (they will not replace a first aid certificate but can help you learn vital skills and understand how best to deal with an emergency.
This is a free online course which guides you through the process of dealing with a sudden cardiac arrest. Highly recommended as CPD
Coaching Newsletters
Covid: Guidance for Clubs
Aikido Ailliance UK’s guidance on reopening post lockdown July 2021. Click here.
CIMSPA support for clubs Click here
Sport England support for clubs Click here